While I am speaking of Gabriella I have to share a funny story about her. I think it is funny now, but not so much at the time. It happened a few days before my Mother's day talk so it was a great week for me:)
My aunt called one day and I was having a hard time hearing her on my cell phone so I went into my room to get away from the noisy kids. I could hear Bree in the kitchen and figured as long as I could hear her I would be okay. Well, after a few minutes on the phone I went to find her. She was sitting on the kitchen counter and I could see water--EVERYWHERE!!! She had managed to pull the spray faucet out and turned on the water. After filling up the entire counter she pulled open the top drawer and filled it up with water. Water was pouring off the counter onto the floor, through the drawer into the cabinet below and just about everywhere else I could see. Gabriella was soaking wet and holding a little medicine dropper from the water filled drawer. Apparently she was trying to copy her big sisters who think it is fun to fill the medicine droppers with water and then squirt it into their mouths. Poor girl was just trying to fill up the dropper and the water seemed to get away from her:)
Luckily, I had recently cleaned out the drawer and cabinet so cleaning up was not as big of a mess as it could have been. I am sure there are pools of water under my cabinets that I could not get to, but I can't see them so I don't care.
I think two year olds are natures way of getting back at Mom's who were once troublesome teenagers!